Nuno Gameiro

Nuno Gameiro Fisioterapeuta

Sports Physiotherapist

Postgraduate in Physical Therapy in Sport by FMH

Specialist in Elite Sports Physiotherapy by the Élite Association of Physiotherapy.

Specific training in: MET – Muscle Energy Techniques, Mulligan Concept, Theraband – Balls and Ballance, Kinesio-Tapping and McConnell Method.

High interest and extensive experience in the area of ​​physical activity and sport, first as an athlete and then as a physiotherapist, through monitoring of athletes from different modalities at different competitive levels.

Nuno is a Physiotherapist for “Saúde ao Quadrado”, our partner, and you can see more about it in their facebook page:úde-ao-Quadrado/307058996092287

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